Tuesday 26 April 2011


First attempt at an eye with my Bamboo Pen.  By no means brilliant, and severely lacking in skill, but just getting used to the way the tablet and pen perform - not to mention, trying to re-wire my brain into being creative via a different medium.

Monday 25 April 2011


A text based imagining on the thoughts and feelings of a particular state of mind.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Pencil and Charcoal

More life drawing, unfortunately not current, but older stuff.  I have a real problem with faces ... I just can't work out why?  C'est la vie.

Friday 22 April 2011

Think ...

Not often I would post this kind of work, but it's all made for sharing.

Simply Stunning ...

Watching this fills me with an inner calm and a quiet stillness.  Makes me wonder why humankind seems so hell bent on destroying this beautifully unique and fragile world we live in?

Thursday 21 April 2011

I Have A Tablet

Hoorah!  It arrived yesterday - my very, very basic Bamboo Pen tablet by Wacom, which you can find here.

It's roughly A5 in size, comes with the driver software - but advisable to update immediately from the Wacom website, especially if you are running Windows 7 64-bit OS, as I am - the pen (that needs no battery - yipee!), with replacement tips, and a metal collar ring for which I have no clue as to its function, although it looks like it should/could fit over the pen?

Monday 18 April 2011

Amazing Art

Whilst at my local Waitrose I began browsing the magazine section and came across Artists and Illustrator magazine.  Interesting, I thought, and I began to browse.

So glad I did as there was a section on a fantastic artist.  His work is amazingly detailed and large.  I've never heard of this gentleman before, much to my shame, but I urge you to take a look at his website by clicking on his name: Paul Emsley.


Friday 15 April 2011

Glass Reflections

For one web based project I decided to use glass layers as the background for my web design.  I had always been fascinated by the way light passed through and along glass, creating amazingly bright and brilliant glowing edges.  Naturally, with access to a Mac computer, I played with the various colour settings and inverted some.  Personally, I liked the results.

Cat Logo

A friend asked for a simple logo based on a cat, and this is what I finally produced for him.


These stamps I designed as part of a project/competition.  Unfortunately, due to their 'unconventional' design, they failed to qualify for anything in the competition.  The brief asked for a 'fresh, new approach' ... that's graphic design for you.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Never could get into painting on a canvas, and this shows why.

My Original Blog

Here is a shameless link to my very first blog on Role Playing Games - written from my own experiences over twenty-plus years as a DM (Dungeon Master).  Still very much a 'work-in-progress', I hope it will become something folks find amusing, informative and interesting.

So please feel free to take a look if it has you in any way, shape or form, curious about the whole rpg thing from the mind of a reflective DM.  Click 'The DM's Screen'.

Sketch Book of Old

A page from an old sketch book.  I've included this one as the tarantula in the sketch is my very first tarantula.  I named her 'Phoebe' - she was such a lovely thing, very placid and beautiful.  Sadly no longer with me, but her memory lives on ...

Earth Peel

Sketch named 'Earth Peel'. Not sure what I was thinking when I drew this, but I'd like to translate this one into digital media soon.


A selection of random sketches, in a variety of mediums and papers.

Graphic Design

This encompasses more than I care to show, most of it rough workings over, and over, and over again of the same idea in multiple colours, fonts and layouts - as is the way of graphic design brain storming - so I shall spare you that.

I will show one or two planning sheets I worked on for a board game I produced as my final piece to gain my degree (I kicked against the usual graphic design path of producing a website *yawn*).  It gave me a great amount of pleasure, especially as I am a lover of all games (now mainly pc).


The next four images were done during a vacation break whilst at university.  I secured a temp job through an agency working for the local council.  The job involved my travelling around the areas of Cardiff in a flat-bed truck collecting rubbish and emptying bins around various parks.  Not glamorous at all, but I was outdoors.  I took with me an A5 sketch book, within which I would draw various things I found interesting and stimulating to the eye.  Apologies for poor quality photos.

Ink, Pencil & Cross Hatch

A mixed bag of work, mainly for my own pleasure (or frustration).  I am fully aware of how rough and technically lacking my work can be, and after several-plus years of virtually doing nothing art-wise, I now have that  gnawing hunger building up inside me to start once again.

Life Drawing

A sample of life drawing skeches, mainly done to help me grasp certain techniques, with different mediums on different paper.

First Post ... Rather Nervous

As the title suggests, this is my first post where I am exposing my crude art to whoever wishes to view it.
Currently there is nothing new to show, but I'm hoping to learn - mainly by example from my blogging peers - how to create digital art.  Should I succeed you can be sure I'll be posting here.

Initially, the work you see here is old, done back in 2003 when I was at university studying graphic design.  Other pieces go further back.  I hope you find my style interesting and that you enjoy your visit.

Thank you